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Total energy production

Global energy production is slowing down, rising by 1.4% in 2023 (below its 2010-2019 average growth of 1.7%/year), despite higher production in the US, China and India.


Acceleration in energy production in the United States in 2023.

Global energy production is slowing down, rising by 1.4% in 2023 (below its 2010-2019 average growth of 1.7%/year), despite higher production in the US, China and India.

Global energy production slowed down in 2023 (+1.4%), falling below its 2010-2019 average (+1.7% / year). The growth was driven by the United States (+4.4%), China (+2.5%), India (+6.8%), Indonesia (+10%), Brazil (+8.2%) and Iran (+5%), and partly offset by a drop in Saudi Arabia (-7.8%), Russia (-3%), Europe (-3.2%) and Australia (-2.7%).

Key 2023 data for energy production are as follows:

  • Crude oil: +1%, driven by the US (+8.5%), Brazil (+12%), and Iran (+10%), offsetting OPEC+ production cuts (-9.3% in Saudi Arabia and -1.5% in Russia).
  • Gas: stable globally (+0.7%), as the steady growth in gas production in the US (+4.7%) was offset by a 5.5% drop in Russia due to lower exports to the European Union.
  • Coal: +2.2%, with growth in China (+3.3%), India (+11%), and Indonesia (+13%), despite a 22% fall in Europe and a 2.1% drop in the US.
  • Electricity: +2.6%, with growth driven by China and India (+6.9% each), despite a 3.6% drop in Europe.

Breakdown by country (Mtoe)



Trend over 1990 - 2023 - Mtoe


Breakdown by energy (2023) - Mtoe

Global Energy Trends - 2024 Edition

Our 2024 edition of Global Energy Trends presents insights on essential energy data and evaluates the COP28 pledge to determine if current trends support the tripling of renewable capacity and the doubling of energy efficiency by 2030.

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