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Energy intensity

Global energy intensity declined by only 1% in 2023, below the 2010-2019 average (-1.8%/year) and insufficient to meet the 2°C pathway.


Russia’s energy intensity is 92% higher than the global average (in 2023).

Global energy intensity declined by only 1% in 2023, below the 2010-2019 average (-1.8%/year) and insufficient to meet the 2°C pathway.

Global energy intensity declined by only 1% in 2023, i.e., much slower than in 2022 (-2.5%) and than its historical trend (-1.8%/year between 2010 and 2019). This remains very insufficient compared with the over 3.5%/year decrease required to achieve the 2°C scenario.
In 2023, global energy consumption increased at a slower rate than the global GDP (+2.2% and around +3%, respectively) but energy intensity levels and trends differ widely across world regions, reflecting differences in economic structure and energy efficiency achievements.
There was a sharp reduction in the energy intensity in OECD countries (-3.1% in 2023, compared with the -2.1%/year trend between 2010 and 2019). This was mainly due to a higher renewable power generation and a weak industrial activity. Energy intensity dropped by 4.7% in the EU, as energy consumption decreased by 4%, while the GDP slightly grew (+0.5%). The EU’s energy intensity is now 42% lower than the global average. As well, energy intensity contracted in North America (over -2% in both the US and in Canada), in Japan (-5.3%) and South Korea (-4.1%) and remained stable in Australia.
Outside the OECD, there were almost no changes in energy intensity in 2023. It increased by 1.3% in China (now 32% above the global average), contrasting with the rapid fall over 2010-2019 (-3.9%/year) and it declined by 2.6% in India, faster than its historical trend. It dipped by 3.2% in Russia, by 2.7% in Africa (with decreases in Egypt and South Africa), and by 1.2% in Latin America (stable at +0.4% in Brazil), while it increased by 2.3% in the Middle East.

Breakdown by country (koe/$15p)



Trend over 1990 - 2023 - koe/$15p

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