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Electricity domestic consumption

Global electricity consumption, spurred by China and India, grew by 2.6% in 2023.

Electricity domestic consumption

Global electricity consumption, spurred by China and India, grew by 2.6% in 2023.


China’s share in global electricity consumption in 2023.

Global electricity consumption, spurred by China and India, grew by 2.6% in 2023.

Electricity consumption grew by 2.6% in 2023, returning to its average growth rate (around 2.7% per year).
It surged in the BRICS (+6%), especially in China (+6.9% to reaching one-third of global electricity consumption), in India (+6.7%), and in Brazil (+3.2%). These countries posted a strong economic growth and a high demand from all sectors (including cooling in India and Brazil and for irrigation in India). Electricity consumption also increased slightly in Russia (+1.4%), while power supply constraints cut again South Africa’s electricity consumption (-4% in 2023).
Electricity consumption declined in the OECD (-1.4%), in a context of relatively slow economic growth. It decreased in Europe (-3%, including -5.3% in Germany and -3% in both France and the UK), in the US (-1% due to milder temperatures and a slowdown in the manufacturing industry), Japan (-1.9%) and South Korea (-1.3%). It remained stable in Canada and grew by 4.1% in Mexico (over strong economic growth).
Electricity consumption also rose in the Middle East (+4.9%, especially in Saudi Arabia and Iran), in large African countries, in Indonesia, in Thailand and Vietnam.

Breakdown by country (TWh)

Trend over 1990 - 2023 - TWh

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