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Average CO2 emission factor

New carbon factor increase in 2022 (+0.5%), further away from the 2°C pathway.

Average CO2 emission factor

New carbon factor increase in 2022 (+0.5%), further away from the 2°C pathway.

22% higher

China’s carbon factor remains much above the global average and has declined by less than 1%/year since 2010.

New carbon factor increase in 2022 (+0.5%), further away from the 2°C pathway.

The global carbon factor (CO2 emissions per toe of energy consumed) increased again by 0.5% in 2022 (after +1.1% in 2021, its first increase since 2013), while a more than 3%/year reduction would be required to reach the 2°C pathway. This increase is due to a higher energy consumption in countries with a high carbon factor, such as Indonesia, India or Saudi Arabia, and to a more CO2 intensive power mix in the EU (lower nuclear generation and increased coal-fired power generation), in Mexico and in Russia (strong increase in coal-consumption). On the other hand, the carbon factor improved in China and the USA (continued replacement of coal by gas and renewables in the power sector), in South Korea (higher nuclear power generation), in Brazil (higher hydroelectricity generation cutting gas demand) and in South Africa (unavailability of coal-fired power plants).

Breakdown by country (tCO2/toe)

Trend over 1990 - 2022 - tCO2/toe

Global Energy Trends - 2023 Edition

Enerdata's Global Energy and Climate Trends report analyses key statistics, the Global Stocktake and the natural gas crisis resulting from the Ukraine conflict.

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Global Energy & CO2 Data

Need more data? All the information presented in this energy data tool are extracted from Global Energy & CO2 Data service, the most comprehensive and up-to-date database on all CO2 emissions from fuel combustion by sector and sources, industrial process, waste, but also on CH4, N2O, PFC, SF6 emissions. Detailed indicators are available by country and by sector.

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