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Average CO2 emission factor

The global carbon factor remained stable in 2023 (-0.5%), further away from the 2°C pathway.


India’s carbon factor has increased by 18% since 2010 and is now 13% above the global average.

The global carbon factor remained stable in 2023 (-0.5%), further away from the 2°C pathway.

The global carbon factor remains broadly stable, declining by only 0.5% in 2023 (only -1.8% since 2010), further away from the 2°C pathway that would require a much faster reduction (over 3%/year).
In 2023, the carbon factor increased in India (by nearly 2%/year since 2010), in Australia (+0.9%) and Mexico (+2%) and stagnated in Brazil and in Russia.
In the EU and the US, lower energy consumption, falling coal-fired power generation and rising renewable power generation (including higher hydropower and nuclear production in Europe) contributed to cutting the carbon factor (-4.2% and -1.9%, respectively). The carbon factor also decreased in Japan and South Korea (-3.6% and -1.4%, respectively, over higher renewable and nuclear production), in China (-1.3%, faster than in recent years), in the Middle East (-3%) and in Africa (-2.4%).

Breakdown by country (tCO2/tep)



Trend over 1990 - 2023 - tCO2/tep

Global Energy Trends - 2024 Edition

Our 2024 edition of Global Energy Trends presents insights on essential energy data and evaluates the COP28 pledge to determine if current trends support the tripling of renewable capacity and the doubling of energy efficiency by 2030.

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Global Energy & CO2 Data

Need more data? All the information presented in this energy data tool are extracted from Global Energy & CO2 Data service, the most comprehensive and up-to-date database on all CO2 emissions from fuel combustion by sector and sources, industrial process, waste, but also on CH4, N2O, PFC, SF6 emissions. Detailed indicators are available by country and by sector.

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