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Share of electricity in total final energy consumption

The share of electricity in final energy consumption stagnated again at 20.6% in 2023 (+3 point compared to 2010).

+10 pts

Rise in the share of electricity in Mexico's final energy consumption since 2010.

The share of electricity in final energy consumption stagnated again at 20.6% in 2023 (+3 point compared to 2010).

Since 2020, the share of electricity in global final consumption has remained broadly stable, reaching 20.6% in 2023. It has increased by 3 pts. since 2010 (17.6%), as an increasing share of electricity is used in industry, residential and services sectors, and more recently, in the road transport sector with the development of the electric vehicles fleet.
Since 2010, electrification has increased at a steady pace in Asia (+6.6 pts to over 25%, including +0.2 pt. in 2023), spurred by China (+10 pts. since 201 to nearly 30% in 2023), India (+2.7 pts. to 15%), and Indonesia (+3.6 pts. to 12%). It has also increased in Vietnam (+14 pts. to 28%) and Malaysia (+5.1 pts. to 24%). Electrification has also progressed in Latin America (+3.9 pts. to 20%), especially in Chile and Mexico, in the United Arab Emirates, and in Egypt.
Electrification has remained broadly stable in North America at around 22%, in Europe (+1 pt. since 2010 to 21%, despite a 4.5 pts. growth in the Netherlands and a 2.9 pts. growth in Türkiye), in Australia (23%) and in Africa (10%). In Russia, it has dipped by 1.4 pt. since 2010 to 13%.
The share of electricity in final consumption is particularly high in Norway and Sweden, which benefit from large hydro resources (47% and 32%, respectively).

Breakdown by country (%)



Trend over 1990 - 2023 - %

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